FREE Guided Meditations for 4-D Healing

Please find below the links to download Dr. Milspaw’s guided mindfulness-based meditations around the 4-D Wheel for integrative healing on a conscious and subconscious level. We recommend listening to them in the order listed, but they can be helpful when listened to in any order.

For more information on the 4-D Wheel, please see the main page of this website as well as visit

The following meditations will be for sale in CD and mp3 format on iTunes, Amazon, and You were provided this link for SPECIAL ACCESS to you! Please share on an intuitive level to those who could benefit from these meditations who do not have the privilege of extra money to pay for them. All meditations are expected to complete upload by June 15, 2018. The final version of these meditations will be available by August 1, 2018.

Infinite gratitude for all you do to spread love, peace, and healing in this world!

“Guided Meditations for 4-D Healing” (C) 2018, Alexandra Milspaw, PhD, LPC

  1. 4D Wheel Introduction
  2. Stepping Into the Wheel
  3. 4-D Healing: Mind - 
  4. 4-D Healing: Body - 
  5. 4-D Healing: Heart 
  6. 4-D Healing: Spirit - 


Begin the Certification Process towards becoming a 4-D Wheel Practitioner! Friday October 26th, 9am-4pm in Bethlehem, PA. 4-D Wheel Training Flyer.

4-D Wheel Healing Retreat – September 21-22, 2018 – Hawk Mountain Bed and Breakfast, Kempton, PA. Enrollment form can be found here.